Welcome to the ranch
We are so glad you stopped in. A little about us.
We live on the Coyote Ranch, south of Sabinal. It has been family owned by Chloe’s family for 4 generations. Eleanor, Talulah, and Penelope will make it the 5th!
Our main cattle herd is made up of Santa Gertrudis (Gert) cattle. We then breed our Gerts with Hereford bulls resulting in what is called a Star 5 (half Gert, half Hereford). We have an annual heifer sale in September where we breed our Star 5 heifers to Black Wagyu bulls. This is where we source a portion of our Wagyu beef. We have also introduced Akaushi genetics into our herd and breed Akaushi bulls to our Gert cows and where we source the rest of our Wagyu.
Cattle are the source of our well being and we treat them accordingly. It is extremely important to us to produce a product we are proud of and are eager to consume and share with family. That is why, at Nunley Bros., we have elected to participate in programs such as All Natural, Non Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC), and Age and Source.
All natural means that the cattle you are consuming are not treated with any antibiotic. Ever. Non Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC) means that the cattle are never given any form of hormones. Ever. Age and Source is a system to keep track of each animal. Where and when it is born. All of these programs help us to take care of the animals in the best way possible. To give you the best beef possible.
Ranchers are true stewards of the land. We cultivate every inch in order to make it better, to survive longer, and withstand harsher conditions than before. If the land and animals fail. We fail.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Pray for Rain. Eat Beef. Shop Local.
~Chloe & Rangler
This is our family!
Chloe & Rangler, with our three daughters, Eleanor, Talulah, & Penelope.